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At Grover Aesthetics & Surgical Arts, Dr. Grover brings extensive experience and expertise to the realm of revision rhinoplasty in the Orange County & Newport Beach area. With over twenty-five years of experience in nasal beautification, Dr. Grover has honed his surgical skills and refined his approach to deliver exceptional results. His training at Stanford University Medical Center and fellowship experiences in Atlanta and Beverly Hills have shaped his practice, allowing him to offer patients the highest level of care and artistry in revision rhinoplasty.

What is Revision Rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty, also known as secondary rhinoplasty, is a surgical procedure performed to address unsatisfactory outcomes from a previous rhinoplasty or to correct new aesthetic or functional concerns that have arisen over time. Typically, our patients consider revision rhinoplasty to achieve improved nasal symmetry, refine the nasal tip, correct breathing difficulties, or address other issues that a prior rhinoplasty has not adequately resolved. This procedure offers a fresh opportunity to enhance the appearance and function of the nose, allowing you to finally achieve the results you initially desired or address new concerns that have emerged since your initial rhinoplasty.

What are the Benefits of Revision Rhinoplasty?

We’ve loved sharing the benefits of this procedure with our patients. A revision rhinoplasty:

  • Corrects unsatisfactory results from a previous rhinoplasty
  • Improves nasal symmetry and proportion
  • Addresses breathing difficulties and functional concerns
  • Refines the nasal tip and overall nasal appearance
  • Restores confidence and satisfaction with the nasal aesthetic
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Who is a Good Candidate for Revision Rhinoplasty?

It’s common to wonder if any procedure is right for you. Typically, we’ve found the best candidates for revision rhinoplasty in Newport Beach & Orange County with Dr. Grover include those who:

  • Have had unsatisfactory results from a previous rhinoplasty
  • Experience breathing difficulties or functional issues due to a prior rhinoplasty
  • Desire further refinement of the nasal appearance for improved symmetry and proportion
  • Seek to address aesthetic concerns that were not fully resolved by a previous rhinoplasty

Revision Rhinoplasty Patient Testimonial

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“I don't normally write a ton of reviews... but Dr. Grover is no short of incredible. I came to him for a revision rhinoplasty and I couldn't be happier with both the results and the overall experience with him and his office.”

- Revision Rhinoplasty Patient in Orange County

Your Procedure

During a revision rhinoplasty, Dr. Grover takes a meticulous approach to address each patient's individual concerns. This comprehensive procedure may encompass refining the nasal framework, adjusting cartilage and bone structures, and reshaping the nasal tip to achieve a more harmonious and natural appearance. Dr. Grover's expertise lies in utilizing advanced techniques and a personalized approach, ensuring that each patient's unique needs are met with the utmost precision and artistry. By tailoring the procedure to the specific requirements of each individual, Dr. Grover strives to deliver exceptional results that align with the patient's aesthetic goals and expectations.

Recovery and Results

Following your revision rhinoplasty, it's normal to experience some swelling and bruising, but rest assured, while the swelling will decrease over the next three months, complete resolution may take up to one to two years. Dr. Grover will provide comprehensive post-operative care instructions, ensuring you have all the guidance you need for a smooth recovery process. While you'll notice some initial improvements once the swelling subsides, it's essential to remember that the procedure's full results may take a few months to appear as your nasal tissues settle into their new shape. As time goes on, you'll appreciate the transformation of your nose, enjoying a more balanced and natural appearance, improved breathing, and a heightened sense of confidence in your overall look.

Revision Rhinoplasty FAQ

How long should I wait before considering revision rhinoplasty after a previous procedure?

It is advisable to wait at least one year after a primary rhinoplasty to allow the nasal tissues to heal fully before considering revision rhinoplasty.

Will revision rhinoplasty correct breathing difficulties caused by a previous procedure?

Yes, revision rhinoplasty can address functional concerns and breathing difficulties resulting from a previous rhinoplasty.

What are the potential risks associated with revision rhinoplasty?

As with any surgical procedure, risks such as infection, bleeding, and anesthesia-related complications may occur. Dr. Grover will discuss these risks in detail during your consultation.

Can revision rhinoplasty improve asymmetry caused by a previous procedure?

Yes, revision rhinoplasty can address asymmetry and restore balance to the nasal structures for a more harmonious appearance.

How long is the recovery period after revision rhinoplasty?

Recovery times vary, but patients can typically expect swelling and bruising to diminish within a few weeks, with final results appearing over the following months.

Will there be visible scarring after revision rhinoplasty?

Dr. Grover utilizes advanced techniques to minimize visible scarring, ensuring that incisions are discreet and well-concealed.

Will I need to undergo general anesthesia for revision rhinoplasty?

Yes, revision rhinoplasty is typically performed under general anesthesia to ensure your comfort and safety throughout the procedure.

How soon after revision rhinoplasty can I resume my regular activities?

While recovery times vary for each individual, most patients can expect to gradually resume light activities after three to four weeks, with a full return to all activities around the three-month mark.

What should I do if I experience any unexpected symptoms or concerns after my revision rhinoplasty?

If there are any unexpected symptoms or concerns following your revision rhinoplasty, we will advise you to contact Dr. Grover's office promptly. Our team is here to provide support and guidance throughout your recovery process.

Experience You Can Trust

When you choose Dr. Grover for your revision rhinoplasty in Orange County & Newport Beach, you're placing your trust in a board-certified plastic surgeon with unmatched expertise and artistry. Dr. Grover's refined surgical skills and compassionate approach ensure that you receive exceptional care and achieve natural, long-lasting results. His commitment to delivering personalized, patient-centered care means he is dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals with confidence and satisfaction. With Dr. Grover, you can feel confident that your revision rhinoplasty journey will be guided by a skilled professional who truly cares about your well-being and the outcome of your procedure.

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